The preferred name change is an in-house service available for Pasadena City College students who identify as transgender and/or who fear for their safety (domestic violence, stalking, etc). To request a preferred name change please submit the form below. If you have any problems accessing or submitting the form please email us at
Please note that this is not a legal name change, only PCC system name change.
Preferred names will show in the following places:
- Lancer Point ID Card
- Library
- Counseling Department
- PCC Connect emails and alerts
- Class Rosters
- Canvas Swipe Stations in Labs and Classrooms
Preferred names will not show in the following places:
- Lancer Plan (course audit)
- Legal records (academic records and financial awards)
- Email correspondence from some departments
Legal Name Change and Gender Marker Services
If you are seeking legal name change and gender marker services, please contact with subject title: Legal Name Change and Gender Marker so that we may refer you to an attorney that can guide you in the court process.